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Toni Seguí is a magician who uses no magic wands, no lights, effects nor flowers with which to make a soulless warehouse becomes a banquet-hall, that an art-gallery corridor transforms into a jungle and that a garage sparkles with the force of dozens of glass spiders. Everything is possible IF Señor Seguí weaves his magic.

The wedding of Shristi Mittal, niece of one of the richest men in India, must have meant a lot as one of your biggest ever projects? I always said to myself, we are doing lovely things but one day I would love to do something big for someone like a prince. With this wedding, this wish came true and it has opened many doors internationally to work abroad. 


What did the wedding consist of? Mobilize 500 people over four days means a huge creative and logistical effort. The wedding consisted of four big acts. Barcelona they liked a lot, although there were other cities competing like Dubai and Marrakesh, but the richness and variety of cultures, like the medieval, gothic or modernism thrilled them. So i decided to base it all on Barcelona, the colors of the sea and also of its landscape.


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How did you get into the world of wedding decorations? I started in the fashion world in Mahon where I had a shop where lots of (Spanish) actors like Ana Belén, Serrat, Miguel Ríos came…. I used to organize shows and the odd event. When I came to Barcelona, I did some shop-windows and also started to organize weddings and company events. All of this is vocational, I have no design nor decoration studies, I taught myself everything, I have very clear ideas and always believed in my own powers.

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In the world of wedding decoration are there trends? Yes, everything vintage is now fashionable or countrystyle celebrations. But people come to us because they see us as different from the rest with more daring proposals that break with these trends. 

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Which elements do you think make you different? Getting to achieve a total transformation of the space. We take the greatest care with the quality of the finishings and the details,  being able to count on our greatest ally – lighting.

Where do you find your inspiration in order to create these magic laden scenes? Everything inspires me, but we use many effects brought in from opera, theatre or the musical. 

If you had the chance what event would you like to  organize and for which client? I don’t have any special predilection.  We’ve worked for  important clients like Gucci, Tiffany´s, Cartier, Coca-Cola and I’ve had the chance to meet people of renown like Ferran Adrià whose wedding i organized and for who I have much respect and admiration. 

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And to finish, anything left for Toni Seguí to achieve? To be able to carry out at least one project in New York.

1 – What book are you reading now?  “Grandad reached 100”.. A mad and fun read.

2 – Which film? More than a film, I feel admiration for a director, Peter Greenaway. I love the way he sets scenes up, decoration, colors, costumes, … One of my favorites is  “The Belly Of An architect”.

3 – Any trips planned? Japan, I’m fascinated by their culture!

4 – How do you spend your free time? I enjoy reading alot, strolling through the old quarter of Barcelona. I also love travelling and getting to know other different cultures like India or Africa.