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Written by: Mar Cinca

Predicting where the public will go on vacation is much easier nowadays thanks to the studies that online international businesses such as make available to us; due to their ease to analyze the vast amount of opinions, comments, reccomendations and ideas they get in their website. (On top: Pousada Abracadabra, Brazil)

We introduce you to the main eight trends of travelling in 2016:

1. Personalization

Never before had a traveller been able to customize his vacation at such a level as at the present time. Thus, they will be able to adjust the entire route and services to their needs. We are no longer espectators that simply use what is given to us, now establishments get in the game and allow us to interact.
This is why appartments on holiday rent are key, because they are growing day by day and are able to provide customized services such as a nanny, or takeout food, all to better our travelling experience.

Explora Patagonia. Chile

Patagonia, Chile

Long haul.The Peninsula Bangkok 2 The Peninsula, Bangkok

2. Long distances are shortened

The hyper fast flight technology gets developed steadily to make every destination accesible to all travellers, until a long distance route will be a weekend trip option. Also, the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games will attract a global traveller audience.

Long haul.JW Marriott Rio de Janeiro

JW Mariott, Rio de Janeiro

3. Transparency

Thanks to Instagram and Google Street View, we are now able to see through other users eyes how their experience was, and get an idea of what is expecting us there, from landmarks to hotels or restaurants, creating a virtual reality universe.


Fotografía de @roeyjamirez

4. Exploring the lost world

Technology makes us feel safer to explore routes that yesterday would’ve been impenetrable, thanks to GPS, guide apps that walk us trough towns and remote paths… Following other users indications is at our fingertips, and allows us to lose the fear of exploring countries that weren’t accessible a few years before, because of their foreign policy changes, such as Iran, Sri Lanka or Cuba.

Jungle Beach Resort. Sri Lanka

Jungle Beach Resort, Sri Lanka

Destination.Beach Ossos in Buzios, Rio de Janeiro Extended LicenseOssos beach, Buzios (Rio de Janeiro)

5. Fewer and smaller luggage

Travels are planned less and less in advance, they are now more spontaneous; and, because of new technology, planning a last minute trip is just as easy; so nowadays many people prefer this option, which allows them to explore their destinations just like the locals.

6. Avoiding topics

The typical shows and landmarks are not what the travellers want to visit anymore, instead they prefer living authenthic and real experiences, reaching to get as close to the locals reality. This is why they look for hidden gems: street parties, unique happenings, etc; in modern cities such as Tokyo, Bangkok, Prague, Barcelona or Dublin.

spoonik-diner-barcelonaLa Casa del Chef Spoonik, Pl. Lesseps (Barcelona)

7. Revolutionary business trips

We no longer can identify business travelers because of their untainted suits. More and more, companies choose alternative destinations and activities to make arrangements, increase their network and close contracts. There’s an increase in motel reservation, private homes, or inns, so it won’t be only a business trip, but also an experience for the employees.

Ya no podremos identificar los viajeros por negocios gracias a sus trajes impolutos. Cada vez más, las empresas escogen destinos y actividades alternativas al típico hotel para realizar sus gestiones, aumentar sus contactos y cerrar contratos. Así, hay un aumento en la reserva de moteles, casas particulares o pensiones para que el viaje no sea sólo de negocios, sino que se convierta en una experiencia para los trabajadores.

Long haul.Island Shangri-La Hong Kong

8. Sustainable vacations

Just as consumer tendencies have been indicating for months, the hotel and catering industry will have to better their sustainability credentials if they want to increase their client list; from the renewable energies use to the offer of volunteering experiences for their hosts.

Sustainable. Whitepod, switzerland

Whitepod, Switzerland

Spice-Island-slider-1Spice Island Beach Resort, Grenada