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Our proposals for next month, in other words, our highlights of November come full of energy. In the form of music, art, jewelry, wine… Keep reading these lines because you will be surprised by everything that this month offers us.

Joana Vasconcelos at the Bilbao Guggenheim

This Portuguese artist born in 1971 is a regular at the greatest artistic events, like the Biennial of Venice; or she was the first woman that exhibited in the Palace of Versailles. Well, now her work came to rest in the rooms of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao on June 29th and will remain there until next November 11th with the interesting exhibition  “I am your mirror”.

The sample consists of about 30 works that have generated the first retrospective of Joana Vasconcelos in Spain. The artist has also created something expressly for the occasion. It’s her 2018 sculpture Egeria, conceived to be located in the atrium of the museum. A figure that evokes the Valkyries of Nordic philosophy and gives it the role of being a feminine representation of art.

Iceland Airwaves back in the highlights of November

The cold begin and that is synonymous with one of the most icy, fun and interesting festivals in Europe. Something that is on its way to convert Iceland Airwaves Festival of Reykjavik in one of the classics in our November highlights. On this occasion, its program will be developed between days 7 and 10 of the month. A program full of music and artistic activities for all tastes.

Hayley Kiyoko, one of the most anticipated artists in this edition of Iceland Waves

In total there are almost 250 events planned, spread throughout the Icelandic capital since one of the hallmarks of Iceland Airwaves is to incorporate any corner of the capital to its artistic programming. From a bar to a hostel or a bookstore. In short, 4 days, and taking into account the latitude, 4 nights capable of heating the atmosphere of the “land of ice”.

The magical winter world of Swarovski

And our next highlight of November has also a lot to do with winter. An event that will begin on November 7th and will last until January 13th of next year in the gardens of Swarovski Kristallwelten, or what is the same Swarovski Crystal Worlds of the Austrian population of Wattens, neighbor of Innsbruck.

Winter becomes the best framework for this Swarovski installation in Austria

There, every year, the famous jewelery brand brings out all its sparkles abroad to recreate a world of magic and art. The Dutch designer Tord Boonje is in charge of creating an unique visual spectacle in which the sculptures, the artistic illuminations, the audiovisuals and the meteorological effects take place. A huge gem!

The wines of Burgundy, again in the highlights of November

Last year we mentioned that on the third Sunday of the month the most prestigious wine charity auction in France takes place in the Burgundian town of Beaune. An event where European celebrities attend and bid for the best wines of this region.

All Burgundy wines are present at the Hospices de Beaune Vin weekend

In 2018, the edition of Hospices de Beaune Vin will take place between November 16th and 18th. And, although the auction is the most important act, the truth is that many activities take place throughout the weekend. From tastings to sightseeing, dinners or tastings in wineries. If you want to join the activities of the official program do not hesitate to reserve your place in the website of the event, where you can also find accommodation in this beautiful town.

The art of Anish Kapoor in Serralves

The truth is that our neighbors in Portugal are not very present in this section of Horse. So to remedy this, in the highlights of November we incorporate another Portuguese proposal. In this case, because it takes place in the Museum of Contemporary Art of Serralves of the city of Oporto. There, one of the most recognized artists of the present days, the British artist of Indian origin, Anish Kapoor, exhibits his works.

Anish Kapoor participated very actively in the design of his exhibition of Serralves

The exhibition was inaugurated on July 6th and will remain open until January 6th. An exhibition named Anish Kapoor: Works, Thoughts, Experiments. The author was involved from the first moment in the design of the exhibition, amazed by the wonderful conjunction of the Museum and the Serralves Foundation Park. A magnificent frame to locate, especially, its outdoor sculptures.

More than one hundred works by Chagall in Mantua

Since September 3rd, the Palazzo della Ragione in the Italian city of Mantua hosts an ambitious exhibition of 130 works by the Belarusian painter Marc Chagall. Among the exhibits there are paintings, but also prints and drawings, so that we can get a very complete idea of ​​the rich iconographic world of this author who can be considered a surrealist artist, although his style is unique and incomparable with any other creator of his time.

Flying lovers fly over the Mantua exhibition

The exhibition is very interesting because it gives us some of the keys that make this artist different. The relationship with literature and other arts played a very important role in this. In fact, of all the exposed works, the most striking are the murals he made for the Jewish Theater of Moscow in 1920 or the illustrations he made for some writers. Anyway, you have until February 3rd, 2019 to enjoy this review of the exceptional creativity of Chagall.

The Nordic light in the Scandinavian night

The Nordiska Museet in Stockholm created the Nordic Light exhibition in 2016, and is going to be there until the last day of next year. Then, you can be wondering, why does it appear now, in the highlights of November? The reason is that we recommend you go now to see it, in winter, on the way to the long Scandinavian nights. The contrast between the nocturnal atmosphere and the radiant sample acquires all its intensity.

Lights, lights and more lights at the Nordic Light exhibition in Stockholm

In the halls of the Nordic Museum in Stockholm we can be witness of one hundred years of luminaries in the country. But the really interesting thing is to understand the importance of light for the human being. There, for centuries only the candles and the fire illuminated the winter work days, they were able to understand the full value of a lamp. An object that becomes magic and life.

Our November highlights end here. From Horse, we hope that the upcoming cold and the shortening of the days do not discourage you. There are many things to see and enjoy at this time of year.