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Would you like to discover what the new Pure Gold Collection is about? It’s a fusion of science and art, contributing to and embodying La Prairie’s philosophy of luxury. I’ll only give you a preview that it’s not just any collection; it’s a story. You’re about to uncover all its secrets.

The story of Pure Gold begins at La Prairie’s origin point. Amidst the snowy, cold mountains of Switzerland, an aura of beauty and eternity was sensed, for which the founder Dr. Paul Niehans was responsible. The eternal beauty of the Swiss mountains like The Jungfrau, The Matterhorn, and The Rigi inspired Paul Niehans.

Inspiration: The golden hour at the peak of the Alps

There’s a moment and a place where beauty reaches its peak and becomes unbeatable. The golden hour at the summit of the Alps is one of those moments. The orange sun and the dizzying views come together, unleashing a wonderful experience of change.


The mountains that inspired La Prairie’s Pure Gold collection.

Building on the inspiration of the Golden Hour, La Prairie combines all its scientific innovation, resulting in its new Pure Gold collection.

Pure Gold Collection: 3 products

This La Prairie collection consists of a ritual of three products: The Pure Gold Radiance Concentrate, the Pure Gold Radiance Eye Cream, and finally the Pure Gold Radiance Cream. These three products come together through an ingredient that recreates the Golden Hour of the Alps.


Radiance Eye Cream from La Prairie’s Pure Gold collection.

This ingredient is the only one capable of recreating the symphony that translates the golden hour – yes, we’re talking about gold. Unique and immutable, gold is the most beautiful and brightest metal, which is why La Prairie scientists have chosen its characteristics to use.

Sustainability x La Prairie: Luxury with a higher meaning

An important element to highlight is that, like the Alps mountains, the packaging of the products has been created to last forever. For the first time, La Prairie has created refillable packaging. This directly involves La Prairie with sustainability. Thus, creating a perfect relationship between its products and what inspires them.


Left: Cream refill. Right: Entire Pure Gold collection by La Prairie.

Both pieces of packaging, both the body and the lid, are made with a metal that will make them last infinitely. The only part intended to be recycled is the product refills, which are made of a very delicate glass material.

This initiative by La Prairie is very important as it will help trigger a paradigm shift in the way brands operate. We must understand how our nature works to protect it, just as it does with us.

The science of gold: What makes it special?

Gold is a unique metal because of its atomic structure and the way its electrons are arranged. This atomic structure determines its golden color and explains its chemical composition. In simple terms, the rich blue light energy is absorbed by golden electrons, while red and yellow wavelengths have lower energies and cannot be absorbed, so they are reflected in gold. That’s why we perceive a warm tone, not a cool one, through the human eye.

The surface atoms of gold do not fully touch each other. As a result, gold has hollow spaces in the form of electrons, which can be filled with active ingredients. The process that constitutes this action is called “time-controlled release.”


Chart of the three phases of product application for Pure Gold.

This formula divides its application on the skin into three key moments. As soon as the product is applied to the skin, the visible gold particles are deposited on the skin, offering an instant radiant look.

During the second phase, after the product application, the free spaces of gold, replaced by active ingredients, begin to penetrate the skin and initiate a long-term reconstruction of it.

The third phase is very important because it helps fill the gaps in the active ingredients we’ve mentioned earlier. This phase enables empowering weakened skin, thus extending the cream’s effect on the skin.

The art of Carla Chan: Hong Kong’s paradigm

La Prairie reaffirms its commitment to art by recruiting artist Carla Chan for its new collection. To fully unleash creativity and capture it, La Prairie relies on Hong Kong artist Carla Chan. This collaboration aims to reinterpret Carla’s perspective on this paradigm shift towards sustainability.


Carla Chan working on the Pure Gold collection.

Carla uses minimalism and plays with the notion of space-time. She also draws inspiration from nature itself to develop her ideas. Carla’s art merges the vastness of nature with the intimacy of home to create a unique fusion between the two.

The artist stayed at La Prairie’s home in Switzerland in order to capture the instinct of The Golden Hour. We will soon be able to discover Carla’s full experience, as a video based on this experience will be installed in New York in early May and Hong Kong at the end of May.


Carla Chang’s workspace.

Artist Carla Chan tells us about this experience:

The Golden Hour is the moment when we can experience changes.

Change. That’s the word that would define this new La Prairie collection. The luxury brand has built a bridge between the changing light of the Golden Hour and the paradigm shift in terms of sustainability, formula, and effect when applying the product to the skin.