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Off Llum BCN is going to make sure that every evening of 14, 15 and 16 February, Poble Nou shines with its own light. The most experimental and innovative light art proposes an alternative route through corners of the Barcelona district, an action that forms part of the Llum BCN Festival which will celebrate its third edition in 2020.

The brilliant proposals of Off Llum BCN

The Poblenou Urban District team proposes a circuit of 15 small and medium-sized light installations by artists who propose pieces that mix art, design and innovation and are distributed throughout the streets of Poble Nou. The set of proposals of Off Llum BCN is a very varied look at light art, where there is room for proposals by established creators alongside others by new artists.

The youngest artists play with light at Off Llum BCN

And where? The list of places is extensive. Off Llum BCN occupies the most usual spaces for artistic exhibitions such as galleries. But this bath of light also goes out from there to illuminate training centres, historic places in Poble Nou, restaurants and even a campsite. Let us allow ourselves to be dazzled by a quick tour of them.

Chromatic moments at La Plataforma

The art gallery La Plataforma hosts the exhibition of Maurici Ginés, who proposes a play of light and colour. The colloquial expression says: “everything depends on the colour you look at it” and this exhibition of Instantes cromáticos is the most artistic demonstration we can imagine.

The exhibition will open Friday 14 February to Sunday from 19:00h. a 00:00 with an experimental session by Raúl Naro, where the musician will perform a sound intervention within the installation of Chromatic Instants by Maurici Ginés during the first two days of the Off Llum circuit and the edition of special cocktails by Mathieu Porcher and  Collage.

Chromatic moments by Maurici Ginés

Compositions at L & B Contemporary Art

The art gallery L & B Contemporary Art also joins the Off Llum BCN itinerary. In this case with works by Massimiliano Moro, who presents another play with light. But now with a moving light capable of visually modifying the dimensions of the objects.

El artista lumínico Massimiliano Moro presenta "Composiciones" en la L&B Gallery

Lighting artist Massimiliano Moro presents “Compositions” at the L&B Gallery

Perspective on Chef Xefo

The Summalab is the proposal that awaits us at Chef Xefo Art Gallery. The inspiration for this light art installation has been the images of the painter Josef Albers. And just as the German painter did, here we are invited to reflect on the ideas of depth, colour and space.

Summalab perspective with images by the painter Josef Albers

Our Sea at BD Barcelona Design

The Summalab studio repeats. In this case looking at the sea, or rather evoking the Mediterranean, can anyone imagine taking the light of a sunrise over the waters of the sea and transferring it to an interior? A light that we all identify with, but each one in our own way. The aim of this Off Llum BCN proposal is to evoke these sensations in each of us.

Llum i So at the Palo Alto Foundation

A space like the Palo Alto Foundation, dedicated for more than two decades to cultural and artistic activity, could not miss an event like Off Llum BCN. And its proposal could not be more complete with the presence of projections by the video artist Marc Urtasun, with the sound sculptures Après-Baschet, and with the installations “Round Cross Light” and “Oval”.

Installation at Palo Alto Foundation

Infinity Portal: Soul Digitalizacion en Bcombinator

How to combine the idea of the soul with big data, cyberspace and virtuality? Do we have digital replicas circulating around? It may be disturbing, but certainly the experience that Joaquín Ferronato presents us with at the Bcombinator coworking space is very interesting and surprising.

Playground at Espai Trinijove

Candles inside urban signage cones. As simple as that and as visually powerful. The flame of the candles vibrates, it changes intensity, something that is manifested in the translucent geometry of these plastic cones. The result of this installation by Margalef is as attractive as it is effective.


Realitats Quantiques in Bridge_48

Almost all the proposals of Off Llum BCN have some interactivity, but in the case of this installation by Nueveojos this approach is absolutely necessary. It is the spectator who has to interact with his LED sculpture to conjugate the quantum chaos to reach a certain reality.

Light up your senses at BAU

The main building of BAU hosts the installation that the collective Akyute and the artist Coso Nero have designed to discover the architecture of the place through a suggestive installation of light, sound, vibrations… of the most sensorial and immersive. For everyone, including people with vision or hearing problems!

Playing with light at IACC, Fab Lab Barcelona

The spirit of the Poblenou Urban District projects always seeks to integrate the local population. And this installation can be considered a wonderful manifestation of that. Here the artists have been the entire community of the Sant Marti Poblenou school. Both the families and the teaching staff have created this visual proposal that has a lot to do with art, but also with social experimentation.

IFFiniti in Valkyrie IFF

Several digital artists participate in this authentic creative experience that occupies the spaces of Valkiria IFF, a centre for innovation in the working environment. The institution is already unique in itself, so its commitment to such a special event as Off Llum BCN becomes a very special collaboration.

Infinity Portal

Margins in Story: We Produce

In a space that brings together creative entrepreneurs such as the Story: We Produce hub, its artistic proposal is the result of the collaboration of several authors: Story, Oscila and Jordin Font. Between them they propose a metaphor of light and sound to stop for a moment and reflect on today’s society where everything is hyperconnected.

Go-PopUp Audiovisual Passage

A large part of the history of Poble Nou is linked to its old factories. Well, one of them comes back to life to be both the backdrop and the protagonist of an intervention of light art based on mapping, LED installations and various projections..

Audiovisual Passage

Candela in Carpintectura

This designer kitchen shop becomes an art room to host the proposal of Olvier Bals. An author who composes a poem about light, time and work, and all of it starting with a candle. Or rather, a candle, which can also be understood as the amount of light emitted by a candle.

Veggie Art by Sopa

And from a kitchen business to a restaurant. To the vegetarian restaurant Sopa, which has counted on the children of the neighbourhood to create the illustrations that make up a peculiar light show, in which the concepts of art and education merge.

Veggie Art by SOPA

Llum leaves Camping

And we finish the Off Llum BCB itinerary by going camping, specifically to the Camping Urbano de Poble Nou. There, Tomás Picasso, Antoni Esteban Martret and Santiago Terigi have prepared light installations that invite us to enter the forest, in the middle of the city, and let ourselves be illuminated by the light of a fire that accompanies and warms us.

As we said, a brilliant artistic programme has been prepared within Off Llum BCN. Undoubtedly, quality proposals, very suggestive and full of a spirit of citizen participation. Something that greatly enriches the already interesting and intense general programme of Llum Barcelona 2020.