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What do the RCD Espanyol stadium, the Magic Water Circuit in Peru, the Torreciudad sanctuary, the General Hospital of Catalonia and the Montserrat Abbey Visitor Center have in common?

That in all these places Playmedia has done a job between architecture and marketing, creating experiences that generate emotions and surprise the visitor..


Interactive space at the Sanctuary of Torreciudad

Playmedia is a multidisciplinary team that aims to attract visitors/customers. It is made up of architects, brand consultants, marketing experts, producers, interior and graphic designers, educationalists, art directors, 3D and 2D designers, audiovisual engineers and executive producers.


Interactive space created by Playmedia in Montserrat

Their fields of work are as broad as those mentioned above, including tourism and culture: museums, exhibitions, visitor centers, science museums, cultural experiences, international exhibitions, marketing and city branding. In architecture, they have worked with branded museums, branded architecture, pavilions, exhibition stands, retail, hotels, restaurants, showrooms and shopping malls. As for leisure and entertainment, they have been commissioned with set designs, theme parks, events, audiovisual production, interactives, virtual reality, augmented reality, apps and video mapping.

Torreciudad bets on Playmedia with success

One of his most recent works has been for the Patronato de Torreciudad in the project “Torreciudad XXI” in Huesca. Its objective was to adapt the sanctuary to today’s pilgrims and visitors using the latest generation of technology.

Examples of these are the “Live the experience of faith” space, the video-mapping “The altarpiece tells you“, the “An age-old devotion” space, the renovation of the gallery of images of the Virgin and a new mobile application that functions as a guide for the visitor.


Virtual reality in the Torreciudad Sanctuary

We asked Josep Maria Herms, CEO of the company, what do you take into account when adapting religious concepts to a modern and interactive space?

“The biggest challenge when applying marketing to this type of project is to understand religion as a service provider without falling into the error of considering the faithful as consumer users.”


Josep Maria Herms, CEO and Founder of Playmedia

It is a Marian sanctuary (Ermita de la Virgen de Torreciudad, 22391 Torreciudad, Huesca) of international interest both spiritually and culturally, which is visited by pilgrims. Originally, this sanctuary was inaugurated in 1975 and promoted by St. José María Escrivá de Balaguer, founder of Opus Dei. It is the second most visited temple in Aragon after the Basilica del Pilar in Zaragoza.

The latest project awarded in Andorra

Recently, it has been reported that Playmedia has won the project promoted by the Comú d’Andorra la Vella. It is a museographic project under the name “Únicament sé que existeix un país on la gent viu i se sent lliure” (I only know that there is a country where people live and feel free) for the Centre Internacional i Innovador de la Bicicleta.

– What do you have in mind for the Bicycle Museum of Andorra?

With this project we want to transcend the character of the museum and make an innovative center of the future that shows everything that is behind a bicycle, in a proactive and different way, making things happen to the visitor constantly.

During the month of January, more details of this pioneering project in this country will be announced. It is planned to exhibit 300 bicycles manufactured between 1860 and 1950 from the Riberaygua family’s collection. This will be the ideal place for the curious and lovers of this sport.

They are currently developing “El circuito mágico del agua” in the city of Lima.

Peru has one of the most emblematic theme parks in Latin America and Playmedia is designing, among other things, the world’s largest interactive tunnel.


It is an audiovisual engineering project where visitors will have visually striking and unique experiences.

Other projects

His clients include the RCDEspanyol experience, a retail project with Tous, the new pediatric emergency waiting room at the Hospital General de Catalunya, the visitors’ center at the Basilica de Guadalupe in Mexico City and the Nazareth Visitors’ Center in Israel, among many others.


The RCD Espanyol Club has created a space to show the history of more than 100 years of a club through a minimalist space with audiovisual content.


“Embracing the Planet”, a large traveling show designed by PLAYMEDIA in association with a French-South African music and dance company that combines large scenographic spaces with new audiovisual technologies.


The musical “Embrazing the planet” combines large scenographic spaces with new audiovisual technologies.

It is an interactive (360º) immersive show, a perfect dialogue between the spirit of our most ancient African ancestors and cutting-edge technology.

For more information, you can consult their web.