We begin the last month of the year, and with it, the art world gives us a spectacular closing with events and exhibitions that illuminate the last days of 2023.
December’s 7 art highlights feature renowned figures such as Tim Burton and the 30th anniversary of his film The Nightmare Before Christmas. Next year Disney+ will premiere the new series Cristóbal Balenciaga, and the Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid will showcase an immersive exhibition of the series dedicated to the great designer. Meanwhile, Catalan typographer Alex Trochut presents his first solo exhibition, and Art Basel returns to Miami Beach. The Palau Martorell exhibits Chagall. The Colour of Dreams, and the IDEAL space is chosen to offer the first immersive exhibition of the Tomorrowland festival. In addition, Disseny Hub Barcelona presents an exhibition on the evolution of women in the world of design.
Alex Trochut weaves the complexity of love through art
The Catalan artist and typographer Alex Trochut arrives at Factory of Dreams in Madrid with his first solo exhibition It’s Complicated. In it, he shows us his vision of love as a complex, dynamic and contradictory phenomenon, inspired by the myth of the phoenix, the bird that dies and is reborn from its own ashes. The exhibition is made up of several sculptures called Versus, where the word Love is transformed into the different facets of love. From passion to pain, through healing, difficulty, addiction, strangeness or play, all of them are terms that have been felt at some time, and show the complexity of human relationships.

The interior of Factory of Dreams with the exhibition installed, where the word Love is camouflaged among knots.
In addition to the sculptures, the designer has brought a series of tapestries that speak of the connections between people. Through them you can see how the knots symbolise the obstacles, the nets provide protection, but do not let you escape, and although it may be a strong and solid structure, if something does not fit, it collapses. In this way, Alex Trochut, reflects in a simple way how complicated and diverse love can be for every human being. From esteem and companionship to becoming something that traps us and we stop being free.

Alex Trochut has created his first solo exhibition with a lot of symbolic load. A few simple knots that represent thousands of feelings and stories.
The exhibition also features the collaboration of Okuda San Miguel, who contributes two pieces that celebrate his own antithesis, with an irruption of euphoria and colour to represent freedom and regeneration. These works are a tribute to the friendship and dialogue between the two artists, who share an innovative and transgressive vision of art.
When? From 19 October to 21 December 2023.
Where? Calle Carmen Bruguera, 8, Madrid.
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 10.00h to 18.00h. Friday from 10.00h to 15.00h.
Tickets: You can buy your ticket here.
Art Basel’s international roll-out in Miami
To end the year, Art Basel once again travels to Miami Beach to showcase the leading galleries and artists of modern and contemporary art. On this occasion, the fair will welcome 277 international galleries, with the majority of participants coming from North and South America. Of these, 25 are coming to the fair for the first time, such as Galerie Minsky, from Paris, or Ortuzar Projects, from New York. The fair continues to showcase art in different sections where you can enjoy paintings, projects or photographs in a quiet and unique way.

Anat Ebgi Gallery participated in the 2022 edition with Greg Ito and Faith Wilding, in the Nova section where recent works are exhibited.
Art Basel highlights the new additions to each section, with Nova bringing galleries such as El Rancho, from New York, and Gypsum Gallery, from Cairo. On the other hand, art also arrives from Warsaw through the Dawid Radziszewski gallery for the Positions section. In addition, Meridians will host 19 large-scale projects that will allow us to reflect on how we humans inhabit the planet. Although the fair is held in the pavilion area, Art Basel has agreed with private collections and institutions to create a programme of events and exhibitions to be enjoyed throughout the week in Miami.
When will it take place? From 8 to 10 December 2023.
Where? Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, United States.
Hours: Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11.00h to 18.00h.
Tickets: You can buy your ticket here
Women designers redefining history since 1900
Disseny Hub Barcelona has opened its doors to the exhibition Som aquí! Women in Design. 1900 – Avui, an exhibition produced by Vitra Design Museum. The aim of the exhibition is to reflect the work and conditions that women have found themselves in the world of design from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. All kinds of objects can be seen along the route, from furniture, ceramics and jewellery, as well as being represented by women such as Eileen Gray, Clara Porset and the activist Jane Addams.

From left to right: Nanda Vigo in 1985 with two of her designs: Light Tree (1984) and Chronotope (1964). Illustration of the Feminist Platform Futuress, 2021, © Maria Júlia Rêgo
The exhibition is divided into 6 different sections, from the origins when they began to vindicate the positions of women in the world of work, passing through the modern movements that began in earnest in the 50s and 60s. At that time, Spain was marked by a dictatorship in which women were made invisible, but the exhibition brings together works by professionals who worked to change that grey image of society. In short, the exhibition aims to make visible the struggle that has taken place over the centuries, reflecting on what design was then and how we want to reflect it today.
When will it take place? From 5 October 2023 to 7 January 2024.
Where? Calle Irena Sendler, 1, Barcelona.
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00h to 20.00h.
Tickets: You can buy your ticket here
The charm of Tim Burton and 30 years of The Nightmare Before Christmas
This year, the art of Tim Burton is celebrating 30 years since the release of his film The Nightmare Before Christmas. To mark the occasion, the McNay Art Museum in the United States has opened the exhibition Dreamland / Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas. The exhibition is made up of small scale models and working models that were used to recreate the film. Throughout the tour you can enjoy the characters such as Oogie Boogie or the main character Jack Skellington and his dog Zero in Jack’s tower.

From left to right: Cat House and Oogie Boogie, Tim Burton, 1993.
In addition, the museum wanted to complete the exhibition by recalling the creative roots that inspired Tim Burton to create such distinctive animations with a corridor of peculiar portraits. In this space you can enjoy the art of different artists such as Pablo Picasso, Julie Heffernan or José Clemente Orozco Farías. The exhibition is presented as a unique opportunity to immerse ourselves in Burton’s crazy and endearing worlds, being able to be inside the magical story through the paintings and large-scale photographs.
When does it run? 17 August 2023 to 14 January 2024.
Where: N New Braunfels Ave, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Hours: Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Thursday from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. Saturday from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. Sunday from 12.00h to 17.00h. Monday and Tuesday closed.
Tickets: You can buy your ticket here.
Immerse yourself in the elegance of Balenciaga at Disney+ exhibition in Madrid
On 19 January Disney+ will open the year with the new series Cristóbal Balenciaga, directed by Aitor Arregi, Jon Garaño and Jose Mari Goenaga. To mark the occasion, the Real Jardín Botánico in Madrid will host an immersive exhibition of the series dedicated to the great Basque designer. The exhibition will be made up of unpublished images from the series, as well as handmade replicas of the dresses selected for the filming. Alberto San Juan is the actor who plays the role of Cristóbal Balenciaga, and through him the long and successful career of the designer is narrated. Sofía Fábregas, vice-president of original production for Disney+ Spain, highlights every detail created to immerse the viewer in the world of Balenciaga.

Actress Belén Cuesta stars as aristocrat Fabiola de Mora y Aragón, and Balenciaga designed her wedding dress when she married King Baudouin of Belgium in 1960.
The production value has been exceptional. […] From the impeccable art direction by Mikel Serrano; the handcrafted pattern making, respecting the technical rigour that characterised the Maestro,” says Sofía.

During the Civil War, Balenciaga went to Paris where he became one of the leading designers of haute couture.
La exposición irá guiando a los visitantes por diferentes estancias que aparecen reflejadas en los seis episodios de la serie. Momentos claves que fueron determinantes para su trayectoria. Sus comienzos se iniciaron en París en 1937, y en la capital francesa pudo presentar su primera colección de alta costura. Desde allí, la exposición abarca la extensa trayectoria profesional del diseñador en sus talleres ubicados en Madrid y San Sebastián. La exposición acaba destacando su consagración como uno de los diseñadores más influyentes de todos los tiempos.
¿Cuándo? Del 21 de diciembre del 2023 al 21 de enero del 2024.
¿Dónde? Pl. Murillo, 2, Madrid.
Horario: De lunes a domingo de 10.00h a 17.30h.
Entradas: Exposición incluida en la entrada general del Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid.
Los sueños y colores de Marc Chagall en el Palau Martorell
El Palau Martorell vuelve a ser protagonista con su nueva exposición Chagall. El color de los sueños. Después de mostrar el arte de Mucha, para esta ocasión, entre las paredes del palacio, se pueden disfrutar de más de 150 obras del artista ruso, divididas en siete secciones. Además, al menos 25 de ellas nunca han sido expuestas en España. La muestra hace un recorrido por cincuenta años de trabajo del pintor, empezando por sus orígenes, donde la naturaleza, tradiciones y creencias judías fueron elementos importantes en su infancia.

Otra de las secciones divididas es la del amor, el que sentía por su mujer Bella Rosenfeld, quien fue su musa y retrató en multitud de cuadros.
El siglo pasado estuvo marcado por la persecución y exilio del pueblo judío, algo que le hizo reflexionar sobre su propia identidad y que le hizo acercarse más a la fe. El éxodo bíblico lo representó cuando se inició la Segunda Guerra Mundial, veinticuatro escenas que reflejan la fuerza del pueblo que lucha por su vida ayudado por Dios. La ciudad de París fue una de sus grandes inspiraciones, desde que viajó a ella por primera vez en 1910, y a pesar de que tuvo que abandonarla en tiempos de guerra, pudo volver, y morir en tierras galas en 1985.

En 1954, Chagall realiza representaciones de elementos arquitectónicos emblemáticos como la Torre Eiffel o Notre Dame.
A lo largo de la visita se pueden ver los colores brillantes con los que creaba universos mágicos, unas pinturas que pudo realizar inspirado en el gran circo. Una de las secciones más destacadas es la de Fábulas de La Fontaine. En 1927, el editor Ambroise Vollard le encargó ilustrar narraciones con moralejas que han pasado de generación a generación como La cigarra y la hormiga.
¿Cuándo? Del 31 de octubre del 2023 al 24 de marzo de 2024.
¿Dónde? Calle Ample, 1, Barcelona.
Horario: De lunes a domingo de 10.00h a 20.00h.
Entradas: Puedes adquirir la entrada aquí.
Tomorrowland crea magia a través de un viaje inmersivo
Finalizando los 7 highlights de arte de diciembre, n un espectáculo que fusiona magia, arte y tecnología, Tomorrowland elige Barcelona para presentar su primera experiencia inmersiva The Great Library of Tomorrow. El espacio de IDEAL ofrecerá a los amantes de la música electrónica sumergirse en el fascinante mundo de uno de los festivales de música más emblemáticos. A lo largo de los mil metros de realidad virtual, se irán abriendo puertas a mundos únicos de Tomorrowland. De esta manera, las historias que se proyectan encima de los escenarios cada año se podrán vivir en primera persona.

Cada año el festival de Tomorrowland se transforma en universos mágicos, y gracias a la nueva exposición inmersiva, los visitantes podrán entrar en universos inimaginables.
The Great Library of Tomorrow ofrece sumergirse en todos los secretos y curiosidades de Tomorrowland, a través de las nuevas tecnologías que permiten adentrarse en las características, valores y objetos clave del festival. De esta forma IDEAL continúa ofreciendo experiencias inmersivas inigualables, de la misma manera que lo hizo con exposiciones como Dalí Cibernétic, Frida Kahlo o Tutankamon. La experiencia se presenta como una gran biblioteca que sumerge a los visitantes dentro de las mil historias que se narran dentro de los libros.
¿Cuándo? Del 15 de diciembre de 2023 a marzo de 2024.
¿Dónde? Calle Aribau, 5, Barcelona.
Horario: Martes, miércoles y domingo de 12.00h a 22.00h. Jueves, viernes y sábado de 12.00h a 01.00h. Lunes cerrado.
Entradas: Puedes adquirir la entrada aquí
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