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In the late 1990s, Lorena Canals was looking for a washable rug for her daughters and discovered a gap in the market. Without resigning herself, she decided to transform that situation by starting her project with limited resources from her own garage, just as Steve Jobs did.

Their vision was clear; to create practical children’s rugs, and 25 years later, the Lorena Canals brand is a worldwide reference. The art they design provides functionality and aesthetics, in addition, over the years they have strengthened their commitment to sustainability.
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Her daughter Olimpia’s six-month-old dress was the first reference that inspired her to create the carpet Cookie. From that moment on, she dedicated herself to optimizing her time, and squeezing her artist and designer essence, despite not having studies about it.

“The biggest investment was my time and hours spent on what was then my dream.”

Lorena Canals explaining the origin of the creation of her first Cookie rug.

In 2005, the company took a big leap by opening its office in Barcelona, and, although three years later, the 2008 crisis affected the company economically, it was a key opportunity to leave the country and begin selling in Germany.

International and community crossing

International expansion did not take long to arrive after the country’s economic crisis, and two years later they landed in India, where they have their own factory. They produce two collections a year, and Indian artisans are a key part of the company’s success. “We always ask them for something more complicated, with different fabrics, and we are proud of the family.” Near the work area they have Sakula Project, a space where every day more than 120 children are welcomed to offer themeducation and food on a daily basis.

“My intention has always been to have warehouses in countries in the middle belt of the planet and to be able to distribute products better between northern and southern countries.”

In 2013, the company overcame the challenge of entering the U.S. market, establishing a warehouse in New Jersey. “The United States has been the most difficult and complex country, but also the most rewarding, it is where we sell the most,” Canals points out.

Quality sustainable carpets

When manufacturing and producing the rugs, they take different measures toreduce environmental impact. Lorena tells us that they have the RugCycled line, with which they give a second life to cotton leftovers. In addition to using recycled materials, they work only with wool and cotton, natural resources, and chemical-free dyes. “We reduce the consumption of natural resources and also save energy and water consumption,” she says.


Small scraps that are reused for reweaving.

Following the sustainable steps, the brand gradually introduces innovations in design. The brand uses PET recycled from plastic bottles to create baskets or Green Toys, toys made from scraps for the youngest members of the household.

Lorena presents herself as a resilient woman who has been able to face challenges with enthusiasm. Every time she received a negative she transformed it, she did it in 2008, and a few years ago she did it again with the new line Woolable, washable wool rugs. In 2017 he arrived in India with the idea of going one step further and embarking on decoration.


Lorena Canals devising new designs such as the Bee baskets.

He thought of designing a wool rug that could be washed, but received an impossible not very credible, because they have managed to patent the first and only washable wool rug. Their process is to shrink it before starting to weave it and that method we have patented. It is unique, a treasure, and within the decoration there is nothing like it,” he explains.

Weaving creativity through collaboration

Its presence in more than 70 countries entails the connection with design and decoration artists, from Edgar Plans, Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, Donna Wilson, among others. She has connected with them over the years, being able to share the diversity of art they create, and have been able to transform ideas into unique pieces. Lorena considers herself an entrepreneur and designer, a multitasking woman who carries with her the soul of an artist. In addition to exhibiting it through the carpets, she currently has an artistic space where she creates sculptures with leftover scraps.

I am inspired by the artists I have met throughout my professional career. We all speak the same artistic language, and that makes it easier,” she says.

No one knows how sustainable processes will adapt to thetextile industry, but Lorena feels the future “will be promising” as many companies are aware of the need and opt for more responsible practices. Along with new technological innovations she hopes that there will be environmental awareness and that companies will turn to natural and recyclable materials as they do.


The collaboration with Edgar Plans, Artist in you, a limited handmade rug.

For the coming months, Lorena has revealed that she has several projects in process with artists and companies, but she prefers to keep the details under lock and key, thus increasing the expectation.

In the privacy

  • Which style do you like the most? Abstract art and its freedom, and textile art and its tactile dimension that enriches the aesthetic experience.
  • An artist in particular: Sheila Hicks, for her thread sculptures, Teresa Alanceta, characterized by traditional techniques with a contemporary vision. Or Antoni Tàpies, a pioneer in the use of unconventional materials.
  • A hobby: I really like a well set table, and lately I collect spoons, of all materials and sizes, I can’t help it.
  • A country you would go back to 100 times: New York City and India are places I would go back to 100 times or more because each one brings me something different.
  • Pending trip: I have a trip to Mexico pending, visit Oaxaca and discover the looms they use there. To explore the architecture of the houses designed by Luis Barragán and the nature of Puerto Escondido.
  • A daily habit: sewing is something I have to do every day because otherwise I feel like I’m missing something.
  • A hobby: visiting art galleries, discovering new talents and being able to talk to artists. It fills me with inspiration and allows me to see the world from different perspectives.
  • A color: red for passion and energy, and black for elegance and mystery.

Images provided by the aforementioned brand.

Noelia Fernández

Journalist passionate about culture, literature, arts and travel. I am interested in being able to listen to others and immerse myself in their stories, seeking the essence of each experience and giving voice to many that are not heard. I have been writing for Horse since June 2021.