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Celebrities such as Queen Letizia and Gwyneth Paltrow base their diets on anti-aging and antioxidant properties to care for their skin.

We often wonder what celebrities do to achieve flawless, smooth, glowing, shiny skin. Although more invasive treatments such as Botox or hyaluronic acid help, their best-kept secret is nothing more or less than their food.

We are what we eat, as the Spanish proverb says. That is why celebrities such as Queen Letizia or Gwyneth Paltrow attach great importance to following a diet that improves and acts on the properties of their skin.

Nicholas Perricone’s anti-inflammatory nutritional plan for flawless skin

One of the most successful diets is the one designed by American dermatologist Nicholas Perricone. This 28-day regimen is exclusively designed to improve and rejuvenate the skin and not to lose weight. The main objective of this plan is to reduce the inflammation of the skin and give it more radiance. To achieve this, the diet is rich in proteins such as DMAE, which helps to firm and tone the skin, and ingredients such as chlorophyll, which brings light to our complexion.


Foods like salmon are perfect for getting all the nutrients we need to help care for our skin. Credits: Christine Siracusa

In this way, the appearance and health of the skin can be improved through foods such as salmon, peppers or probiotics. Prohibited foods in the diet would be, for example, sugar and its derivatives, white flour or alcohol. In this way, not only skin care is achieved, but also a healthy weight.

The most important thing, according to Dr Perricone, is to eat high-quality protein such as fresh fish, free-range chicken, turkey or tofu. For their antioxidants, phytonutrients and fibre, complex carbohydrates, such as blackberries, onions and raspberries, are also vital. The “good” fats found in foods such as salmon, pistachios and chia seeds are also very beneficial for both the skin and the body. Finally, the alpha lipoic acid found in vegetables such as broccoli or spinach is one of the key elements against ageing, as are vitamins A, B and C, present in foods such as strawberries, sardines or lemons.

Dr Perricone’s diet is world-renowned and many celebrities have opted for this plan. For example, Queen Letizia or Gwyneth Paltrow, both about to turn 50 and with an enviable complexion.

Food to continue caring for the skin from the inside out

Extra virgin olive oil

aceite de oliva

Extra virgin olive oil is the best choice for cooking your meals. Credits: Pixabay

Extra virgin olive oil is 75% oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that helps lower LDL – or “bad cholesterol”. It also contains high levels of polyphenols such as hydroxytyrosol, an antioxidant protector. Also called “liquid gold”, it helps us take care of ourselves on the inside, but also on the outside.

2. Green vegetables


All vegetables are recommended in diets, but we pay special attention to green leafy vegetables for their properties. Credits: Lum3n

Vegetables in general are highly recommended in any type of diet, but in this case green leafy vegetables are especially important. They contain a high level of nutrients and antioxidants such as vitamin C, calcium and magnesium. In addition, they provide us with high levels of water that help to hydrate the skin from the inside.

3. Oat flakes


Oats contain many properties that help our body internally and externally. Credits: Foodie Factor

Flaked oats have many benefits, especially for our health. It is rich in fibre, monounsaturated fats and protein, as well as helping to control cholesterol and blood pressure. It improves the digestive system, regulates blood sugar and protects the body against cancer.

4. Aromatic plants and spices


Turmeric is one of the best spices for flavouring your food and caring for your skin and body. Credits: Marta Branco

In addition to adding flavour to our food, aromatic plants and spices provide our bodies with different properties and proteins. For example, turmeric is anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective, or tabasco sauce, which contains capsaicin, a powerful antioxidant.

5. Pure cocoa in small doses


Pure, dairy-free cocoa can be consumed, as long as it is in small doses. Credits: Samer Daboul

Cocoa is allowed in many diets, but it must be pure and without milk. It is a very good anti-ageing food, as well as being an antioxidant. It also has a high magnesium content, which helps regulate sugar levels, fixes calcium, controls intestinal flora and protects the cardiovascular system.

Achieving perfect skin, even at 50, is possible

Although diet plays a very important role in our health and our physical appearance, our complexion requires special and constant care. Therefore, it is advisable to have a daily cleansing routine with products that are adapted to the conditions of our skin. In addition, it is also vital to use sunscreen when leaving the house, even in winter and on cloudy days.

Finally, it is important to exfoliate approximately twice a week, as well as to use products such as moisturising masks or detox products once a week to keep our skin luminous and smooth.


Source: PerriconeMD