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On 7 April, L’Oréal and UNESCO are launching the “For Women in Science” awards. These awards, dedicated to research, aim to highlight the work of young women scientists in Spain.

L’Oréal is always behind an initiative, as this business association has been supporting Spanish women scientists since 2000. A total of 77 women researchers have been awarded prizes and 1.1 million euros have been distributed.

The deadline for submissions is 7 June (inclusive), so if you are a young scientist reading this, there is still time to participate. Five prizes worth 15,000 euros each will be awarded to the best projects. I suppose you are wondering what is considered “young scientist”, and you don’t have to worry about age as the only requirement is to be under 40 years old.

The main focus of these awards is life science. All projects focused on biology, biotechnology, biophysics, genetics, physiology, neuroscience, biochemistry, ecology and ethology are welcome to participate in this edition.

The aim of these awards is to give voice and opportunity to the female talents that remain in the shadows. Historically, the field of science has been unfairly awarded to the male sex, but things are changing.

As Jean Paul Agon, Chairman and CEO of L’Oréal, argues:

“it is inconceivable to deprive ourselves of the talents of half of humanity”.

Conditions for participation:

Let’s dig deeper into what you need in order to participate. The Research Centre will recruit a female researcher to carry out the project during 2022. This candidate must meet the following criteria:


For Women’s For Science mask L’Oréal.

-To have Spanish residency, or a residency that proves that you have been living in Spanish territory for five years or more.

-For the development of the project during 2022 it is necessary to have signed a research contract with the Research Centre.

– You must have been born after 1981. In the exceptional case in which you have one or more children , one year will be extended for each child you have, which would make it possible for you to participate if you were born before.

-You must have obtained a PhD and at least 4 years must have elapsed since the reading of your doctoral thesis.

– You must have completed at least one pre or post doctoral stay of a minimum duration of two years in a research centre abroad. A Spanish centre of recognised prestige other than the one in which the doctoral thesis was written is also suitable.

You must be at an advanced post-doctoral stage or be an early stage researcher.

Please note that if you have been one of the candidates awarded in previous editions, both nationally and internationally, you will not be able to participate. Nor are people involved in the L’Oréal company, agencies involved in the promotion, suppliers, direct and indirect collaborators eligible to participate. Nor may their family members, ascendants, descendants, spouses or common-law partners.

Mechanics of participation:

If you meet the above requirements and want to apply, these are the documents you must present. In order to participate in the Programme, projects must be submitted via the Research Centres through this Website.


For Women in Science de L’Oréal.

– The registration of the Research Centre in the corresponding register.

-A document signed by the head of the Research Centre, certifying that the project being submitted to the competition is to be carried out in 2022. It must also accredit that it is going to be carried out by the participant in the competition.

-A document certifying the research contract between the Research Centre and the Researcher for the development of the project during the year 2022 will also be required.

– The Curriculum Vitae of the researcher is very important. This CV must include all the requirements for participation. It should also include publications of any kind and awards that the researcher has made or obtained.

-Finally, in a maximum of 2 pages, an explanation of the project in question to be developed by the researcher. The text must be written in Spanish.

Selection criteria:

If you meet the above requirements, have decided to participate, and are waiting for a response, here is how you will be assessed in For Women in Science. These are the criteria that will be used to select the 5 winning projects:


Photograph by L’Oréal Foundation.

-The scientific quality and the repercussions for society of the research project presented will be assessed.

-A criterion to be highlighted will be the innovative nature of the project. It must have a high contribution to the world of science, be original and relevant to research.

-The academic career of the researcher who is going to develop the Project and her professional career will be taken into account. Therefore, the number, quality and impact of the author’s publications will be taken into account.

-The level of promotion of science among young people by the Research Centre will also be taken into account.

At this point, let’s talk about the winners. The names of the 5 scientists who have won the prize will be communicated personally to the research centre. The winners will be published on the L’Oréal website during the third quarter of the year. Good luck to all the women scientists who have a good project in hand.