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In the framework of the fifth edition of the Barcelona Ethical Fashion Fest (BEFF), the Barcelona Sustainable Fashion Association presented the Re/-Barcelona Sustainable Fashion Global Event on Friday, November 23rd. This initiative, which has the support of the Barcelona City Council, aims to place the city at the epicenter of ethical and sustainable fashion at an international level.

The presentation, which also coincided with one of the most consumerist days of the year, Black Friday, aimed to activate in attendees their ability to reflect on consumer habits in fashion and sensitize them about more ethical and sustainable alternatives. Do we really need everything we have? Do we pay attention to the materials or production processes of the garments we buy?

Round table during the presentation of the Re/-Barcelona.

To reflect on these points, the event was accompanied by a round table in which, under the name Sustainable Fashion and Ethics: The global challenge, representatives of different companies and entities of the sector met to discuss the current situation and the future of the industry. The Commissioner for Economic Promotion, Business and Innovation of the City Council of Barcelona, Lluís Gómez, closed the event stating that:

“Moving to a more sustainable world is no longer a trend, it is an inexcusable obligation. If we want future generations to enjoy the planet on the planet we live in now, we have to work hard today. We hope that the small seed we present today will be the engine of change for the entire textile and fashion industry.”

The Re/-Barcelona is the first global meeting of ethical and sustainable fashion in Barcelona

Re/-Barcelona will take place on the next 8th and 9th March 2019. The first global ethical and sustainable fashion event to be held in Barcelona will divide its program into two. First day will be aimed at textile professionals and they will share experiences and knowledge with the best national and international experts, promoting sustainable alternatives in terms of design, production and marketing. The second day will be open to the public in order to raise awareness and transform consumers towards more responsible consumption habits. For this, exhibitions, workshops, screenings and masterclasses will be organized.

The Re/-Barcelona Sustainable Fashion Global Event arrives with high expectations of becoming a reference and role model of good practices regarding the creation, production, sale and use of sustainable fashion in southern Europe.