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The world of art and the essence of Porsche come together in the second edition of BarcelonArt 2.0 to support the work of the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.

The Porsche Centre in Barcelona hosted the second edition of BarcelonArt 2.0. This cultural event brings together the passion of the German brand and the world of art in support of the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and its SJD Pediatric Cancer Center Barcelona project against childhood cancer.

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The Centre’s premises, located in the heart of the Eixample, were decorated to display the works of eight sculptors. These works were created from Porsche car parts replaced during repairs. Dino Barrocas, Lluís Carulla, Ramon Clapers, Rosa Galindo, Nuria Torres, Alejandro Vega, Clàudia Vives-Fierro and Antoni Yranzo were responsible for bringing this edition to life with their art. They have a close relationship with Barcelona and extensive international experience. They have also developed their concepts around sustainability and recycling.

Work of the sculptor Lluis Carulla, one of the artists of BarcelonArt 2.0 – Porsche Barcelona

The event was attended by more than 150 guests from the Porsche Center Barcelona customer community and staff. “The challenge we asked of them was not an easy one for this second edition of BarcelonArt. Our artists have shown talent and courage. We asked them to create museum pieces from discarded elements of our vehicles. And they have done just that,” explains Porsche Centre Barcelona Managing Director José Velasco.

The result of the creation process has highlighted the talent of the artists. They have used differenttechniques and materials such as steel, wood, ceramics, carbon fibre and iron, among others.


Nuria Torres creates this sculpture with exhaust trims using different techniques.

Those who witnessed the work agreed that the sculptors’ work was superb. Six of the eight sculptures on display in the showroom sold out in just one hour. “Porsche has had a very special bond with the world of art since the company’s beginnings. We continue to support emerging art in the city, with this seal of sustainability and the vocation that everything is for a good cause,” said Velasco.


Left: Clàudia Vives-Fierro creates a sculpture with the pieces of the Porche rear lights with collage technique and spray paint. Right. sculpture by Ramon Clapers with a Porsche exhaust pipe and steam bent plywood.

The foundation’s initiative has been conceived to fully support and back the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and its research and treatment of childhood cancer. “We are very proud and grateful to be able to count on an initiative such as that of the Porsche Centre Barcelona. The only way to be able to continue researching and working to find ways to combat the disease, which is a minority disease, is thanks to actions like this,” says Emma Perrier, a member of the hospital’s Social Work team.