Amalgama is the name of the collection of NFTs created by the international art platform Taex that arrives on April 27th at the Palauet in Barcelona by the hand of Sonny Kirchner, creator of Misonny Art Festival.
Sonny Kirchner, founder of Misonny Art Festival is confirmed as a visionary and cultural aggregator of the first order in contemporary art that will debut with another facet of his career: that of importer of investments and great artistic platforms to Barcelona.
The next appointment for the curious or lovers of NFTs will be at the Palauet in Barcelona where thanks to the agreement with TAEX, the interdisciplinary platform for artists, NFTs works will be available for purchase and enjoyment.

Hotel Palaulet Barcelona
Among the invited artists are: Lev Manovich, with his reinterpretations on the work of Hieronymus Bosch applied to a 1960s Soviet utopian city, Jill Miller and her amusing collection of post punk air parodying artist Ariel Pink; Farid Rahimiwith his lysergic Empty Walls series, Joey Holder with his animations of sharks and abyssal creatures; Laura Brothers and his gothic gifts, Massimo Grimaldi and his curious children’s animations; Pavel Braila and his athletic athletes in a Soviet key, Riitta Hakkarainen with his schoolboy visions. Visitors will also have the opportunity to appreciate the work of local artist Gaston Lisak in NFT and physical format, one of the stars of Misonny Art Festival, plus all visitors will be able to take away a free NFT.

Othmane Kandri: The City of the Future
Amalgam and contrast
Amalgama means a mixture of contrary or different things, but that at the same time can be stable, homogeneous and strong, in short a fusion that leads to success. With this name and the choice of space, the organizers seek to reflect all the oppositions that coexist in digital art, the new and the old, the physical and the digital, and the contrast of opinions that it has brought. The purpose of Amalgama is to give more recognition to this innovative technology.

Empty Walls de Farid Rahimi
Sonny Kirchner: creator of the Misonny Art Festival
Sonny, is a restless and visionary character determined to revolutionize the contemporary art market in Catalonia, as he has already demonstrated with the successive editions of his disruptive event in Girona and Barcelona in the last two years. His festivals always take place in wonderful locations, far from museums and galleries. Kirchner was the first artistic promoter in Catalonia to bring the NFTs and the metaverse to Misonny Art Festival. In its last edition in Gavá last year, he exhibited, among the work of dozens of international and local artists, a collection of NFTs on the famous work The Kiss, by Klimt, on loan from the Belvedere Museum in Vienna.

Sonny Kirchner of Misonny Art Festival and promoter of Amalgama
Amalgama is, without a doubt, an exhibition that crosses borders and takes art to another level.
Exhibition Amalgama
Where: El Palauet, Paseo de Gracia, 113
When: 27 April at 19:30h.
Images provided by the brand.