Braccialini presents the Carina Bag, an urban chic with the original design of a four-door sedan bag. A project that has lasted over a year, with the purpose of making a plastic version of the famous TAXI Braccialini leather bag.
Recycled plastic and eco-compatible, for its manufacture have been followed same techniques as the real car industry, with three-dimensional molding, assembly simulation and evaluation of color. After experimenting with different materials, has been chosen a version of PVC (polyvinyl chloride), for bright colors, soft and recyclability. It contains items in metal, gold-plated wheels and varnish, solar roof and ink inside.
Available in black, red, orchid and peacock, Carina Bag is an ideal complement for this summer.
Price: 225 euros.
You can buy them at:
Information telephone: 933 622 115